2024 Sponsorship
Our organization, the Minnesota North Star Paint Horse Club is a nonprofit. It is through the generosity of Sponsors, we are able to recognize the hard work and achievements set forth by our Youth, Novice, Amateur and Open Exhibitors. We feel our amazing awards program has helped our Club gain recognition, promoted attendance and enticed exhibitors to set new goals along with the perseverance to do so. For this we are extremely grateful.
We actively promote and recognize our sponsors throughout the year on Facebook, our website, in our Newsletter, at our horse shows and at our annual Awards Banquet.
Thank you for your consideration!
Choose the Sponsorship level that works best for you!
Diamond Sponsor $500.00 +
Platinum Sponsor $250 up to $499.00
Gold Sponsor $100.00 up to $249.00
Silver Sponsor $50.00 up to $99.00
Bronze Sponsor $25.00 up to $49.00
Donations of samples, gift certificates and other prizes are welcome.